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What Makes Our Agriculture Forecasts Different?

At Weatherlogics, we strive to provide accurate, detailed, and reliable weather forecasts to the agriculture industry. We understand the frustration with traditional sources of forecasts which can be confusing and lack detail and consistency, which is why we’ve developed our own forecasting service. Our forecasts are produced by our in-house

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Hail series (Part 2): Storm patterns

In Part 2 of our hail series, we focus on storm patterns. If you missed Part 1, click here to read it. Viewed from the air, we can see that hail falls along paths known as hail swaths. These can be quite small – a hectare or so (a few

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Hail series (Part 1): What is hail and where does it come from?

This post is part of a special three-part series about hail. Part 1 starts the series by discussing what hail is and where it comes from. Hail is frozen precipitation, born of the updrafts of thunderstorms. Updrafts are rising air currents, which combined with cold temperatures and water droplets, are

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